Sunday, June 19, 2011

Follow More Adventures

If you have enjoyed the journey with Dave and I along the coast of NZ then be sure to sign up and follow the new adventures as they unfold via World Wild Adventure Blog .

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The journey In NZ is over, Dave is in the Arctic again leading cruise ship expeditions, I am back in Canada now looking at setting the record for the fastest unsupported Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island (should take less than a month); supported attempts have been completed in under 17 days. this sounds like a fun challlenge, though I also need to balance work and making some money.

The next big task now for this project is Film editing and composition of a short film about the Journey in NZ. I hope to have this short film finished by the start of 2012 so stayed tuned. Thanks for following the adventure and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. keep up to date with more of my adventures at