Sunday, August 1, 2010

Concept is solidifying

Today I created the site for the Kayak expedition to NZ. The concept is coming together, transforming from the idea to circumnavigate the North Island of NZ by Folding Trak kayak, to now paddling the length of NZ from north to south (Cape Reinga, North Island to south cape, Stewart Island). The trip will follow the east coast and 4 months will be allocated to the trip from mid Jan - mid May, I have hopes of filming the entirety to make and interesting documentary on the coastal culture of my home land New Zealand.

I also plan to incorporate hard shell kayaks (as primary expedition boats) as well as the folding kayaks into this my largest expedition to date. I plan to paddle from Ninety mile beach around Cape Reinga to Auckland in the Trak kayak and then change into a larger faster hard-shell boat there. I am doing this as I need to carry alot more gear than the Trak allows me to carry, plus with hopes of filming alot of the trip, the need for a rudder or skeg to allow for easy camera use is a bonus!

The Trak will still play apart in more than just the first leg of the trip. I hope to have guest paddlers join some legs and the Trak kayak works well as portable kayak to those adventurous souls who wish to join for a part of the trip.

So the idea becomes written, and the intent is set!

“ a life worth dreaming is a life worth living”